Yoga for Menstrual Cramps

4 min readJul 8, 2020

The Yogic Way to beat Menstrual Cramps.

Rishika Yoga

Ever wondered what you did wrong for mother nature to punish you every month, only because you chose not to be pregnant? Well, you cant change this fact of life, but you can surely dance your way through your Periods.

Just as each student comes to the practice in a unique way, women experience their menstrual cycle in different ways. For some women, menstruation is simple and easy, while for others it can be painful and distressing.

Most of the literature on yoga for women advises a highly modified practice emphasizing basic restorative poses and no inversions. Yet many active yoga students maintain their regular practice while menstruating, including doing inversions, across a span of decades with no signs of ill effects.

So what should I do a day or two before my periods? (Well, we all know we’re nearing our date. Our mood swings make sure we do.)

So here are a few Asanas and Pranayamas that you can practice:

  1. ) Baddha Konasana — Butterfly pose

The perfect asana to release the tension in your thighs.

Baddha Konasana

2.) Malasana — Garland Pose

For me, opening the hips a day before my periods has always helped in easing the the upcoming onslaught of the first day.

3.) Ananda Balasana- Happy child pose

This hip opening asana is perfect for relieving stress in your lower back as well as the groin.

Hold in this posture for 1 minute. you can rock from side to side for 30 seconds.

4.) Kapalbhati

This skull cleansing pranayama cleanses more than just your skull. It prepares your body for the upcoming days of the uterus shedding its walls.

The first two days of your period can be a nightmare for some of you. What can you do to beat those cramps and blues all at once?

  1. ) Supta Baddha Konasana — Reclined Butterfly

If there’s one asana that i would never miss on my period, it is this. i love how it immediately eases the cramps. Add a pillow or two to make sure that you can completely relax in this posture.

Stay in this posture for 5–10 minutes.

2.) Pawanmuktasana — Wind Relieving Pose

I guess that one thing that most girls crave on their period is affection. what better way than hugging your own self?

Hold for 30 seconds — 1 minute and Rock back and forth for 10–20 seconds

3.) Marjariasana — Cat / Cow Pose

The perfect asana for relieving lower back pain. Best done on an empty stomach.

Hold for 1 minute

4.) Adho Mukha Svanasana — Downward dog

This asana gently massages your abdomen, and soothes the abdominal pain.

Hold for 1 minute. Rest in Balasana for 5 breathes. Repeat 2–4 times.

5.) Balasana — Wide Knee Supported Child Pose

Even on normal days, this asana feels like a blessing. You can only imagine the wonders it does during that time of the month.Modify it by using a bolster or a pillow under your torso and open your knees for increased relaxation.

Stay for as long as you want :)

6.) Janu Sirasana — Supported Wide Head to Knee Pose

Modify this posture by keeping a pillow or a bolster on the extended leg.

Stay in this posture for 1–2 minutes on each side.

7.) Bhramari Pranamayam- Humming Bee

Just the perfect asana to do when you feel like killing everyone and anyone who comes close to you.

If you still feel blue, know that you’re badass! Because only you can bleed for a week straight and not die :)




Forensic Auditor, Audit Faculty and A Yoga Teacher.